[ { "type": "project", "name": "homepage", "short_desc": "This website.", "desc": [ "This is my homepage.", "What you see here should resemble an CLI. If you ever used Linux this should be pretty easy for you.", "Everyone else: Have no fear. It is pretty simple. You just type in commands and the output is shown here or it does something on the webite.", "To find out, which commands are available, you can type just %{help}.", "", "Currently everything is still in development. So if you come back in a few days/weeks/months/years something could have been changed!", "", "Have fun!" ], "repo": "https://git.c0ntroller.de/c0ntroller/frontpage" }, { "type": "project", "name": "infoscreen", "short_desc": "Screen that shows various information.", "desc": [ "I had a screen left over and hooked a Raspberry Pi to it.", "Then I created a webpage that fetches and shows various information.", "Currently it includes time, weather, calendar, departures and more." ], "repo": "https://git.c0ntroller.de/c0ntroller/infoscreen" }, { "type": "diary", "name": "rust", "short_desc": "Me learning Rust (German).", "desc": [ "I documented my progress to lern the Rust programming language.", "It follows the #%{Rust book|https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/} with my own annotations.", "Everything is in German as these notes are mostly meant for me." ], "entries": [ { "title": "00 - Hello World", "filename": "00 - Hello World"}, { "title": "01 - Cargo", "filename": "01 - Cargo"}, { "title": "02 - Higher-Lower-Game", "filename": "02 - Higher-Lower-Spiel"}, { "title": "03 - Basics", "filename": "03 - Concepts"}, { "title": "04 - Ownership", "filename": "04 - Ownership"}, { "title": "05 - Structs", "filename": "05 - Structs"}, { "title": "06 - Enums", "filename": "06 - Enums"}, { "title": "07 - Crates & Modules", "filename": "07 - Management"}, { "title": "07 - Collections", "filename": "07 - Collections"} ] }, { "type": "project", "name": "tufast", "short_desc": "TUfast is a browser extension that is used by multiple thousand users of the TU Dresden.", "desc": [ "TUfast is a browser extension that is used by multiple thousand users of the TU Dresden.", "It provides autologin to the most used portals, shortcuts, redirects, and more." ], "repo": "https://github.com/TUfast-TUD/TUfast_TUD", "more": "https://tu-fast.de/" }, { "type": "project", "name": "ol-git", "short_desc": "I created a script that pushes Overleaf projects to a git remote.", "desc": [ "Overleaf is a LaTeX editor for the web and honestly great to use.", "But there is no way to back up your project to a cloud drive or git without paying them money.", "Even the self-hosted community version has no such functionality.", "I decided that's BS and made my own script to sync a project to git." ], "repo": "https://git.c0ntroller.de/c0ntroller/overleaf-git-sync" }, { "type": "project", "name": "simple-cb", "short_desc": "A simple callback server for OAuth2 applications.", "desc": [ "Most times when using OAuth2 on an API like Google or Spotify I just need the refresh token on setup.", "To get the initial tokens and the refresh token it is necessary to have a server that prints the POST body.", "This application does this." ], "repo": "https://git.c0ntroller.de/c0ntroller/simple-callback-server" }, { "type": "project", "name": "photo-sync", "short_desc": "A script that syncs a Google Photos album to your drive.", "desc": [ "Giving random apps access to your Google Photos can be bad.", "To still use an album as screenaver etc. I wrote this script.", "It syncs all your photos to your drive while giving you maximum privacy." ], "repo": "https://git.c0ntroller.de/c0ntroller/simple-callback-server" } ]