import type { NextPage } from "next"; import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { useTheme } from "next-themes"; import Icon from "@mdi/react"; import { mdiWhiteBalanceSunny, mdiWeatherNight, mdiLanguageJavascript } from "@mdi/js"; import styles from "../../styles/Blog/ThemeSwitch.module.scss"; interface FadeProperties { sun?: string; moon?: string; } const ThemeSwitch: NextPage<{ size?: string }> = ({ size }) => { const [mounted, setMounted] = useState(false); const [fadeProps, setFadeProps] = useState({}); const { theme, setTheme } = useTheme(); // Will be run when the component is rendered. useEffect(() => { setMounted(true); }, []); const switchTheme = (theme: string) => { if (theme === "dark") setFadeProps({ sun: styles.fadeIn, moon: styles.fadeOut }); else setFadeProps({ sun: styles.fadeOut, moon: styles.fadeIn }); setTheme(theme); }; if (!mounted) { return
; } const sunClasses = fadeProps.sun || (theme !== "light" ? styles.selected : undefined); const moonClasses = fadeProps.moon || (theme === "light" ? styles.selected : undefined); return
; }; export default ThemeSwitch;