import type { NextPage } from "next"; import Layout from "../components/Blog/Layout"; import * as phosphorIcons from "phosphor-react"; import styles from "../styles/Blog/AboutMe.module.scss"; import skills from "../data/skills.json"; interface Skill { name: string; icons: string[]; pct: number; } interface AdditionalSkills { name: string; icon: string; } interface SkillCard { title: string; skillBars: Skill[]; additional?: AdditionalSkills[]; } interface SkillSet { cards: SkillCard[]; additional: AdditionalSkills[]; } const getIcon = (iconName: string, key?: number) => { const Icon = phosphorIcons[iconName as keyof typeof phosphorIcons] as any; if (!Icon) return null; else return ; }; const SkillBar: NextPage<{ skill: Skill }> = ({ skill }) => { return
; }; const SkillCard: NextPage<{ card: SkillCard }> = ({ card }) => { return


{, i) => )}
; }; const AboutMe: NextPage = () => { const age = new Date().getFullYear() - 1998 - (new Date().getMonth() < 10 ? 1 : 0); return

This is me.

Hi! My name is Daniel and I'm an automation engineer from Germany.

I'm currently studying Information Systems Engineering at the TU Dresden
Currently I'm {age} years old.

{, i) => )}
; }; export default AboutMe;