import type { NextPage } from "next"; import { MutableRefObject, useState, createRef, useEffect } from "react"; import { CommandInterface } from "../../../lib/commands"; import styles from "../../../styles/Terminal/REPL/REPLInput.module.css"; import { useCommands } from "../../../lib/commands/ContextProvider"; //import { useModalFunctions } from "../contexts/ModalFunctions"; interface REPLInputParams { historyCallback: CallableFunction; historyClear: CallableFunction; inputRef: MutableRefObject; } const REPLInput: NextPage = ({historyCallback, historyClear, inputRef}) => { const typed = createRef(); const completion = createRef(); const [currentCmd, setCurrentCmd] = useState([]); let [justTabbed, setJustTabbed] = useState(0); // Because setters are not in sync but the events are too fast const [inCmdHistory, setInCmdHistory] = useState(-1); const [cmdHistory, setCmdHistory] = useState([]); const [usrInputTmp, setUsrInputTmp] = useState(""); const {cmdContext: cmdIf, updateCallbacks} = useCommands(); //const { modalFunctions } = useModalFunctions(); updateCallbacks({ getCmdHistory: () => cmdHistory }); const setInput = (inputRef: HTMLInputElement, input: string) => { const nativeSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLInputElement.prototype, "value")?.set; if (!nativeSetter) return;, input); //if(typed.current) typed.current.innerHTML = input; //if(completion.current) completion.current.innerHTML = ""; inputRef.dispatchEvent(new Event("input", { bubbles: true })); inputRef.dispatchEvent(new Event("change", { bubbles: true, })); }; const clearInput = (inputRef: HTMLInputElement) => { setInput(inputRef, ""); }; const replinOnChange = (e: React.FormEvent) => { const input = ( as HTMLInputElement); const currentInput = input.value.toLowerCase(); // Force lowercase input.value = currentInput; if (currentInput.trim() === "") input.value = ""; if (currentInput.includes(" ")) { // Command already typed input.maxLength = 524288; // Default value if (typed.current) typed.current.innerHTML = ""; if (completion.current) completion.current.innerHTML = ""; setCurrentCmd([]); return; } else { input.maxLength = 20; if(justTabbed === 0) { // Get completion hint const suggest = CommandInterface.commandCompletion(currentInput); setCurrentCmd(suggest); if (suggest.length === 0) suggest.push(""); if (typed.current) typed.current.innerHTML = currentInput; if (completion.current) completion.current.innerHTML = suggest[0].substring(currentInput.length); } else { if (typed.current) typed.current.innerHTML = ""; if (completion.current) completion.current.innerHTML = ""; } } }; const keyEvent = (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => { const input = ( as HTMLInputElement); if (e.key === "Tab") e.preventDefault(); if (e.key === "Tab" && currentCmd.length !== 0) { const cmd = `${currentCmd[justTabbed % currentCmd.length]}${currentCmd.length === 1 ? " " : ""}`; setJustTabbed(justTabbed + 1); justTabbed += 1; // Because setters are not in sync but the events are too fast setInput(input, cmd); return false; } else setJustTabbed(0); switch (true) { case e.key === "Enter": { e.preventDefault(); const command = ( as HTMLInputElement).value.trim(); if (command.length === 0) { historyCallback(["$"]); return; } if ( !== command) setCmdHistory(cmdHistory.concat([command]).splice(0, 100)); clearInput(input); setInCmdHistory(-1); setCurrentCmd([]); if (command === "clear") { historyClear(); return false; } const result = cmdIf.executeCommand(command); historyCallback(result); return false; } case e.key === "d" && e.ctrlKey: { e.preventDefault(); const result = cmdIf.executeCommand("exit"); clearInput(input); historyCallback(result); return false; } case e.key === "l" && e.ctrlKey: { e.preventDefault(); clearInput(input); historyClear(); return false; } case (e.key === "c" || e.key === "u") && e.ctrlKey: { e.preventDefault(); clearInput(input); return false; } case e.key === "ArrowUp": { e.preventDefault(); const idx = inCmdHistory + 1; if (idx < cmdHistory.length) { if (inCmdHistory === -1) setUsrInputTmp(input.value); const cmd = cmdHistory[cmdHistory.length - idx - 1]; setInput(input, cmd); setInCmdHistory(idx); } return false; } case e.key === "ArrowDown": { e.preventDefault(); const idx = inCmdHistory - 1; if (0 <= idx) { const cmd = cmdHistory[cmdHistory.length - idx - 1]; setInput(input, cmd); setInCmdHistory(idx); } else if (idx === -1) { setInput(input, usrInputTmp); setInCmdHistory(-1); } return false; } } }; useEffect(() => { if (!window || !cmdIf) return; const color = window.localStorage.getItem("color"); if(color) cmdIf.executeCommand(`color ${color}`); const history = window.localStorage.getItem("history"); try { if (history) setCmdHistory(JSON.parse(history)); } catch {} }, [cmdIf]); return
} className={} type="text" onChange={replinOnChange} onKeyDown={keyEvent} spellCheck="false" autoComplete="off" autoFocus maxLength={20} />
; }; export default REPLInput;